What every parent needs to know about Rotary Exchange

Participating in an exchange program will be one of the most enriching experiences your student will have. No matter which country your student travels to, you’ll find that they will return with a stronger sense of self, new perspectives and lots of experiences to share. 

As parents you certainly have questions and we are here to provide answers as you and your student make this important decision. 

What is Rotary?

Rotary is an international service organization whose mission is providing humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a global network of 1.4 million Rotarians.

What Rotary district are we located in?

We are in Rotary District 7255 which encompasses all of geographic Long Island - Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties.  District 7255 has over 65 Rotary Clubs in these four counties. 

What is ESSEX and how are they involved with your student’s exchange?

Eastern States Student Exchange (ESSEX) is a consortium of Rotary districts (a group of Rotary clubs in a geographic region) that organizes Rotary Youth Exchange programs. Our Youth Exchange Program is a member of ESSEX. ESSEX is responsible for processing applications and matching your student to their exchange country. They also serve as a resource for outbound and inbound students, host families and hundreds of volunteers at the Rotary district level and Rotary club level. They are all volunteers and do not get paid for their services. 

Is ESSEX certified to coordinate youth exchanges?

Yes. ESSEX administers Rotary student exchange programs in the northeastern United States, Quebec, Canada and Bermuda.  They are a member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET), a nonprofit organization that sets standards and monitors compliance for international educational travel.  ESSEX is also approved by the U.S. Department of State and Department of Homeland Security.  ESSEX also complies with Rotary International’s certification policy for exchange program participation.

Is Rotary Youth Exchange a safe program?

Rotary is one of the safest high school exchange programs in the world.  Students are sponsored by a local Rotary club in the country they visit.  The members of the club take great care to ensure the safety of the students.  Every student is counseled before leaving on exchange and is required to sign an agreement on avoiding dangerous situations, such as driving, drinking or using drugs.

ESSEX also has a Sexual Abuse and Harassment Policy designed to protect every student in the area of our Rotary clubs.  These procedures also are required for international partners. 

Rotary exchange monitors situations closely in partner countries.  Those countries deemed high risk are removed from the list of exchanges.  

Are program volunteers vetted?

Yes, in compliance of our State Department laws all volunteers in District 7255 Youth Exchange program are vetted.  

Does my family need to host a student for our child to participate?

Families are not required to host an exchange student when their child participates in the long-term exchange program. However, many families find that hosting an exchange student is a rewarding experience. Families of outbound students are required to assist in finding host families who live in the school district area where the inbound student will attend school. For every student that goes out we receive an inbound student. This inbound student must have 3 host families in the system before they arrive here. Without sufficient host families secured for the inbound student the outbound students exchange will not be viable. The short-term exchange program is a one-to-one exchange that requires families to host a student. 

What is included in the cost?

Rotary is one of the least expensive study abroad programs for high school students. Rotary clubs sponsor exchange students, helping to dramatically offset expenses and make the exchange more affordable. 

The costs vary depending on whether your student is interested in the long-term exchange or short-term exchange program.  Exchange student families are responsible for the cost of application fee, insurance, visa, vaccines and immunizations, round-trip airfare and extra spending money.  Tours, sightseeing trips and excursions are optional expenses. 

How will study abroad impact my student academically?

Studying abroad is an enriching experience that will help your student stand out on a college or job application.  Some U.S. high schools accept credits from schools in other countries.  Prior to departure, it is recommended that arrangements are made with your local school district to determine if credits will be accepted. 

Students who go on exchange after high school graduation, will need to work with their college or university to defer admission for a year. Some academic institutions also offer credits for foreign language study.